About Us

All you need to know about Global Learning Online.

Who We Are

Global Learning Online (GLO) is a leading provider of quality online education aimed at empowering students with 21st century learning skills. We at GLO understand that learning is an active process; it should be authentic and constructive in nature.

We utilize evidence-based researches to equip our students in:

  • Connecting content with real world applications,
  • Problem solving,
  • Engaging students in solving problems that requires higher order thinking,
  • Caters to special education needs.


At GLO, we focus on the 4 C’s of 21st Century Skills,

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Communication
  • Collaboration


To empower students of today to be leaders of tomorrow.


To equip every child with skills needed to achieve their fullest potential. We will do this by using quality instruction given by qualified and experienced GLO tutors.


  • Students' Centered Approaches
  • Enhance Learning through Educational Technology
  • Authentic Learning
  • Constructivism

GLO Scholarship

Each year, the team at Global Learning Online, awards ten (10) of our students with full scholarship for an entire academic year of K12. Please read conditions for scholarship.

*Condition for Scholarship

  All ages are eligible.

  Child must be GLO student for at least a year.

  Email application along with proof of child's enrollment at GLO to info@globallearningonline.org


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